Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Planet Under Pressure Conference

I shall be attending this conference in London from the 25-29th March.  We have a paper being presented in this session: 

Tuesday 27 March 2012 - Options and opportunities, 10:30

Room 12

Collective action for the transition to a sustainable society: building the research and action agenda

Chaired by Sander van der Leeuw and Ilan Chabay
Convenors: Ilan Chabay, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Stuttgart; Sander van der Leeuw, Arizona State University; Pamela Matson, Stanford University; John Finnigan, CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research

Much GEC research has focused on understanding dynamics driving our planet to the present predicament; much less effort has been devoted to understanding how to effect a transition to a more sustainable society. This is the critical global challenge that this session will address through a search for innovative research efforts in the context of the Earth System Sustainability Initiative.

Social Learning Systems for Collective Action: a critical review of cases from UK, South Africa, China and Australia using social learning systems


Dr. C. Blackmore1; Dr. K. Collins1; Prof. R. Ison2 , 1; Dr. J. Colvin1; P. Wallis1; 1Open Systems Research Group, The Open University, UK 2Monash Sustainability Institute, Monash University, Australia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please ask someone at the PUP conference to comment on the 'global predicament' posed humanity on our watch by the unbridled growth worldwide of distinctly human overproduction, overconsumption and overpopulation activities we can see overspreading the surface of Earth. What Andy Revkin describes as "humanity's growth spurt" appears to minimize, even trivialize, a grave situation that is becoming harder and harder to acknowledge, address and overcome because human global overgrowth activities are overwhelming the finite physical resources and frangible ecology of the celestial orb we call our planetary home. The colossal presence of humankind on Earth in our time is much more formidable and fearsome than some sort of adolescent growth spurt. To describe the explosion of absolute global population numbers in such terms is jejeune and represents a subtle form of denial of what primarily threatens future human well being and environmental health.

Thank you,

Steve Salmony

Steven Earl Salmony

Chapel Hill, NC