Invitation to a book launch
If you happen to be in Melbourne on Friday 3rd September from 4-5pm you are most cordially invited to attend the launch of my new book (see image below) as part of Melbourne Writer's Festival.

It will be possible at the launch to order copies of the book at significant discounts. This is made possible by the Festival official sponsor, Readings in conjunction with the publishers, Springer, London.
The launch details are on the Festival program - the venue for the launch of Systems Practice is Feddish Café/Bar & Restaurant.
The book will be introduced by Frank Fisher who is known to many Melbournians. Frank is Inaugural Australian Environmental Educator of the Year [2007-8], Prof. Faculty of Design & Convenor, Graduate Programs at the National Centre for Sustainability, Swinburne University of Technology . Frank is also author of Response Ability and a long time advocate for, and educator in, Systems.
The launch is co-sponsored by Monash Sustainability Institute.