Simon Caulkin - insightful as ever
After his departure from the Observer/Guardian it took a little while for Simon to get back into what he does best: insightful, systemic journalism which unpacks the failures and successes of management actions. He now has a new website - you can subscribe for the latest aricles (highly recommended) or wait a while until they move into the public domain. Below are links to some of his recent pieces. For anyone interested in John Seddon's work (see my last post) I recommend the article 'Police Intelligence'.
Saving capitalism from itself (This article is only available at present to paid-up members, as is)
It's management, stupid
Other recent articles include
Trust in organisations: who stole it, how can we get it back?
Recovery: you can't get there from here
The rules of power
Police intelligence
Suicide bomb at Wapping: family mansion in flames