Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rio+20: a contribution from The Open University (UK)

Althought the Rio+20 Declaration has been signed and heavily criticised, the issues that shaped and flow from the Rio conversation are critical to us all.  As a contribution to the Rio+20 discourse eight Open University academics concerned about sustainable development joined together to reflect on the Rio+20 progress and prospects, and demonstrate that international gatherings of political leaders are not (fortunately?) the only game in town.

Lugano Systems Summer School

I have just received a Post Card from Werner Ulrich and his partner Kathy who, with Peter Checkland are in the midst of running the last ever Lugano Systems Summer school.  It is pleasing to have had several of my own PhD students, as well as many OU Masters students attend over the years.

Greetings from Lugano!

Dear Ray

Receive our greetings from LSS 2012, which is well under way with an excellent and very sympathetic group of participants.

Three of them come from the OU and we appreciate them all very much.

As I am very, very busy, pardon me for being so short --

Kind regards from beautiful Lugano
Werner (with Kathy)