Brasil must be getting it right - they know how to keep bottled beer cold. By a particular Australian standard this might be the height of cultural achievement. Having just spent two weeks in Brasil I am left with a myriad of perceptions which undoubtedly say as much about me as they do about Brasil. Here are some.
- This is my third visit to Brasil since 2002 and now, more than before, it seems important not to leave Brasil out of any discourse about emerging 21st century states i.e., China, India and Brasil need to be used in the same phrase. Of course the development challenges remain enormous - as they are for China and India. This came home to me in a particular way. We spent one week based in Bonito and travelled out by mini-bus to different ecotourism destinations. Many of these trips were on dirt roads (see photos). Four of these journies involved back-breaking travel over side-tracks. Side tracks are those rough tracks which run alongside the main road when it is being prepared for surfacing with bitumen. In the 1950s and 60s side tracks and dirt roads were very common in Australia. These days most Australians, Europeans and Americans probably never encounter one. They are symbolic of the massive public invstement that is being made, and still needs to be made, in transport infrastructure. But with this form of development exploitation - possibly over exploitation - can quickly follow.
- The land cleared for soybeans, corn, sugarcane in Matto Grosso do Sul state is immense. Brasil is now an integral part of the global grains trade with strong ties into China and Europe (supply) and the USA - signs for varities and chemicals from Dow, Cargill, Dekalb, Agremon etc litter the road from Campo Grande to the south. I am told that weeds that are Roundup resistant are already becoming a major issue in soybean production. From a systems perspective this was to be expected.
- During my stay I had news of a BBC report about expansion of rainforest clearing in Matto Grosso - the state immediately north from where I was. The report said:
Brazilian Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira said the figures were "alarming" and announced the setting up of a "crisis cabinet" in response to the news. "Our objective is to reduce deforestation by July," the minister told a news conference.'
- Whilst meeting with colleagues from Santa Caterina in the National Parks Aparados da Serra and Serra Geral, another example of the systemic failure of public policies became apparent. Brasil has legislation making it illegal to harvest and use native tree species (though as can be seen from the BBC report this is not really effective as all regulations require resources for enforcement and these are just not available). But the policy is delivering other unintended consequences. We learnt of people who would like to replant native species but because the legislation precludes them harvesting any of what they plant they instead turn to exotic Eucalyptus which sits outside the ban. They can then selectively harvest the eucalyptus for personal use and income.
- One of the books I have been reading here in Brasil is Tim Jackson's 'Prosperity Without Growth'
(2009). In the context of Brasil - and elswhere he poses some big questions - but ones that need to be asked. I do not feel optimistic.
- I am intrigued by the possible systemic implications of the rapid expansion of evangelical religion in Brasil. A further decline of the Catholic church? Release through diversity as in the UK in the 18th and 19th centuries? A precursor to a largely atheistic state? In Bonito with about 20,000 people there were Assemblies of God and Assemblies of God (Primitive) churches plus at least five other evangelical variations. The Catholic church was not apparent! In Campo Grande (population about 800,000) there are five Morman churches and countless other evangelical denominations.
- Brasilian breakfasts are a delight. So are the people - though it is hard going for English (only) speakers compared to some other countries. Of course the reverse is true as well - and people have been extremely polite and welcoming.
- Sohisticated schemes such as recycling - which is widespread and easy to use combine with a propensity for kitsch - as with the jaguar phone booth in the mainstreet of Bonito.
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