Friday, April 12, 2013

11th European Farming Systems Symposium 2014

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Dear Farming Systems Researchers in Europe and Worldwide,

the IFSA Europe steering committee is very pleased to announce the
11th European IFSA Symposium, 1-4 April 2014 in Berlin, Germany, on

Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies

The official conference website is now open! 
The IFSA community has a long-standing tradition of engagement and self-organisation. It is in this realm, that farming system scientists are invited to build small teams and to become convenors of workshops. Please find the call for workshops attached. It is  available via our website including an online form to submit workshop proposals. 

And don't forget to invite your friends and colleagues to participate!
Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin next year! 

On behalf of the steering committee and the local organising committee

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