Monday, July 29, 2013

Cyber-systemic news

Ranulph Glanville writes:

"We have firmed up details for our {ASC} 50th anniversary conference in 2014. It will now take place in Washington DC: arrangements with Duke University ran into trouble when we tried to co-ordinate dates. Stu Umpleby will be helping set this conference up. It will be based around 6 August, when the ASC was incorporated. We will develop a special program around the theme "Living in Change".

He goes on:

"I think the following links may lead to things that interest you.

This link will take you to the first ever web page from CERN, 20 years ago. It is 20 years since the world wide web was inaugurated.

These links will take you to the books published by echoraum in Vienna. They have a whole series of contemporary cybernetics, as many of you will know, by and about Foerster, Glasersfeld, Jung, Pask, Karl and Albert Mueller, Scott and myself, amongst others.

The following link will take you to the newsletter of the European Meetings on Cybernetics and Systems Research, which has much of interest including conference announcements (ours is one of them)

Finally, Carl Auer, publisher the two interview book by Bernhard Poerksen, with Foerster and Maturana. These are on special offer at 10 euros each. Follow the links to find more and order:

I hope these various links will interest you."

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