Saturday, March 11, 2017

New title from the 2016 Linz, 'Systems Conversation'

 “Systems Literacy” the  Proceedings of the IFSR Conversation 2016 (Linz 3.-8 April 2016) are available!
The 100-page volume contains a detailed record of the Conversation: 24 systems practitioners from 12 countries discussed face-to-face for 5 days various issues of “Systems Literacy", i.e.  the role of systems and their models for humans and society. Divided in 3 teams the topics were:
 * Exploring Transdisciplinarity using Hierarchy Theory, Boulding's Skeleton of Science, and General Systems Theory
* Unity in Diversity - Making the Implicit Explicit
* Exploring the Relationship of Systems Research to Systems Literacy.
The volume contains  6 overview papers,  3 team reports, and a description of the IFSR.
Published by Book-on-Demand,  Germany  (  as hard-copy and e-book it is internationally available from many online bookshops (e.g. Amazon).

The price for the hard-copy edition  is 14€  (16,50$). For the e-book the discount price until April 2017 is 0,99 € (1,07$),   5,49 € (6,47 $) afterwards.
The full bibliographical information is:
Edson, M., Metcalf, G., Tuddenham, P., and Chroust, G. editors:  Systems Literacy - Proceedings of the Eighteenth IFSR Conversation 2016, SEA-SR  47. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, Germany, Feb. 2017.

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